Have you ever heard the famous expression, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain?" Well, you can thank Bob Marley, because his words aren't far from the truth. 

Music has been around for thousands of years and the best part is, is that it's free, constantly in demand, and diferent genres can bring on different reactions to the body. Multiple studies have suggested that listening to various music styles eases anxiety, helps blood flow, boosts confdence, and provides the almost same euphoric feeling as sex does. 

According to a study launched by Brunel University, music can help reduce pain and stress levels for surgical patients. More than 7,000 patients were analyzed and those who listened to music after their surgery were less likely to need pain medication.

What about mental health? It's been proven by many credible bodies, that music not only reduces the efects of poor health, it can also fght of potential mental illnesses, like depression. It acts as an anchor, providing grounding for the listener. 

Focusing on mental health, Music Therapy is widely used around the world today.There are two types – active and receptive. Both types boost confdence, self-esteem, creativity, and lower stress levels. It can stop indiference and give both the patient and therapist something to talk about, bringing them closer. 

Patients who use Music Therapy report feeling more comfortable while discussing sensitive areas in their lives. Writing lyrics is part of the therapeutic process, giving patients the chance to practice self-expression and self-awareness. Listening to certain tunes can also trigger memories, which can encourage the patient to communicate and be more open with their therapist. 

A Professor named Doctor Masha Godkin, who belongs to the Department of Marriage and Family Sciences at North central University, said, “Listening to music while studying can improve memory." 

He went more in-depth, explaining that when we listen to music while studying, it triggers both sides of our brain hemispheres, causing both sides of the brain to be used at the same time. Dr Godkin also suggested listening to Classical, Tempo, or Meditation music during study sessions, as there are no lyrics to distract you from your work. 

For the best experience, try to pick songs that won't make you fall asleep or bounce your legs up and down. Backed up by Science, music goes hand-in-hand with physical activity. Athletes and gym gurus would agree, that music improves performance, endurance, and speeds up post-workout recovery.

Those who listen to music while being active, tend to workout for longer periods of time, challenging themselves and their fitness goals. Songs with heavy base and a fast beat are preferred, rather than tunes with a slow tempo. 

That's not all, though. Listening to music while eating can regulate portion control and food consumption. The brain shifts its focus to audio, instead of focusing on food itself, benefting those who wish to perfect the art of portion control and calorie intake. 


There are several benefts, as to why one should love music. One of its unspoken benefts though, would that it brings communities and individuals together. Think of a Choir – tens to hundreds of people, using their voices to create the perfect harmony and come together as a unit.

You could say that it encourages peace, unity, and creativity. Everyone should encourage the music industry, because it really does make the world and people, a better place.