A lot of people out there seem to misunderstand the meaning behind the two terms. Some people who know very little about Copywriting think it's content writing. So also, some people see content writing as Copywriting.

Well, they're both different in certain ways. As a business owner, you might be thinking, “who should I hire? A Copywriter or a Content writer?" 

The simple truth is, you need both. Here's why.

In today's competitive marketplace, you will need to nurture a group of potential customers or buyers. You always wanna be adding value first and foremost. 

If you only have content writers working for you, and you're putting out tons of great content every now and then, you're spending lots of time, lots of money and that's great. 

You have a of people liking you, but if you don't convert, if you don't have Copywriters to help you convert some of those prospects into customers, then you won't make money. 

You just have a lot of people liking you, but they're never buying anything from you. You don't want that.

What you want to do is use your content to entice, educate, and entertain your audience. You wanna put out so much content in the marketplace and add as much value that your prospects buy from you. 

They'll be saying, “Wow, this is good stuff. I'm getting so much value from this. If this free content is this good, I wonder how great the paid or premium products or service will be." And boom! That's exactly what you want. 


Think of content writing as pre-selling a product. If you think of it that way, this will make a whole lot of sense. As a freelance writer, the highest paid form of writing is Copywriting. The easiest form of writing to sell, is content writing. 

Source: Danlok.com