Life is precious, and we only get one shot at it. Nevertheless, a lot of people spend their life merely passing the time rather than making the most of the short time they have left.

Young people are especially guilty of this. We are born in the springtime of our lives, and if ever there was a time to plant a tree, it's now. Sadly yet, most of us don't do that.

Young people spend most of their eating junk food, partying, and taking unnecessary vacations rather than reading empowering books, building healthy habits, learning new skills and investing in themselves.

Are you merely passing the time instead of making the most of your ONE life? Here are five reasons to tell.

1- You don't get out of bed early upon waking up

If you spend even as little as half an hour just poking around on your phone before getting out of bed, you're not making the most of your life. 

People who have a driving purpose in their life don't spend time lounging around on their phone while in bed. Waking up is no big deal, just the start of another random day in our lives. 

To someone with a purpose, waking up every morning is a refreshing welcome to another day of hard, but meaningful work.

2- You spend tons of hours a day on aimless activities
Some activities are inherently aimless; you only do them because they are pleasing at the moment. Some of these activities are: spending time on social media, watching TV and playing video games.

As much as you love watching Netflix or playing video games, you should not spend any more than an hour or two a day doing them. These sort of activities can be an essential part of decompressing.

Any more than that, then you're going beyond decompressing and into wasting your life. People with a purpose don't spend too long doing these sorts of things because they are aware that every hour sucked away by an aimless activity is another hour they will never get back.

It's not that people who have a purpose try not to spend so much time doing those things, but the thought of wasting 6 to 10 hours or more on such activities makes them sick. People with a purpose wouldn't spend their time that way, even if they could. 

3- You spend more time planning than actually doing

If you spend more of your time just daydreaming, planning or thinking about the future than you do working to bring about that future, then you are simply not making the most of your life.

People who make something of themselves don't sit around daydreaming about what the future may be like. People who make something of themselves typically pick a goal for the future, and then they work their asses off to make that goal happen.

Someone who spends all their time daydreaming is not someone who spends all their time doing. Think about professional weight lifters. They spend a little bit of their time researching how to lift weights more effectively. They just keep lifting the damn thing.

4- You worry about what others think

High achievers and people with a purpose are too busy getting things done even to have time to worry about what others think of them.

High achievers may worry about what people who matter think of them, but they don't worry about what their friends, family or pop culture thinks.

If you routinely worry about what your friends, family and others think of you, you may be letting your life slip by. 

5- You don't always feel sleepy at the end of each day
People whose days are filled with purposeful activities feel tired at the end of the day. Whether it's mental work or physical, purposeful activity uses up all your energy and leaves you exhausted and ready for bed at the end of each day.

When you aren't making the most of your life, on the other hand, you aren't tired at the end of the day. You are rather wide awake and either scrolling through social media or binge-watching Netflix. You are quite literally not making the most of your energy.


Indeed it's not easy to fight off the temptation of not playing video games or watching Netflix. Especially at a time like this. It's okay to watch a bit of Netflix and play video games, but don't spend hours and hours on them. 

I love to play video games, but I've realized over the years that they're an escape for me and not something I hold as a core value in my life. And you can do that too. 

After you've done something, maybe a physical work or spent an hour or two learning a new skill, or after you've read a few chapters of a book, reward yourself with some TV or video game time. That way you'll feel much better, and you'll be making the most use of your time.

Source: PGSG