Kourtney Kardashian Sends A Message To Parents Encouraging Them To Have Conversations With Their Kids About Race

The widely known reality star and proud mother of three, Kourtney Kardashian made it known that she is highly committed to engaging in tough, and uncomfortable conversations with her kids regarding race and injustice.

Kourtney is also calling on other parents and more precisely, the white parents to educate themselves thoroughly about their very own privilege, and also to pass those lessons down to their kids as well.

She also stressed that the onus is on those people in positions of power and privilege to educate themselves about racial injustice and own the responsibility of discussing those issues with their children.

Kourtney is aware that some of the toughest conversations adults have with their kids are very much vitally important. And for white parents in particular, to have sincere and honest chats about race, privilege, and injustice may be uncomfortable, but they're also incredibly necessary.

She outlined her commitment in an Instagram post and is standing firm to having those conversations. Even if doing so will mean fighting a natural instinct to protect her kids from the dark sides of life.

Kourtney also encouraged other parents to take part and continue to educate their kids and more importantly, to educate themselves about racial injustice.

Kourtney's Instagram message in full below:

"As a mother, there is a natural instinct to protect my children from anything that might make them feel sad or unsafe. The pain and suffering inflicted by racism is not a thing of the past and I bare the responsibility to speak with my kids honestly and often about it, even when the truth is uncomfortable. I have to make sure they understand what it means to have white privilege and to take the time to learn and discuss Black History, beyond just one short month out of the year.

I encourage other mothers to join me in using this as a learning lesson for our children, to allow our children to feel comfortable enough to come talk to us about anything. Allow conversation without judgement, and learn from our children too. We don’t know it all. My children sometimes ask questions that I may not know the answers to, so we explore them together. I’ve felt like I’ve always been on the right side of this, but I have a lot to learn and want to educate myself even more, so that I can be a better mother, a better auntie to my nieces and nephews, a better friend, and a better person. For the rest of my note on Things I Teach My Children, go to poosh.com 🙏🏼"

Source: Mamaslatinas


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  1. Pot calling kettle black much? The epitome of privilege telling us we need to have conversations about privilege..
