Here's Why You Shouldn't Get Addicted To Self Help

Most people aren't aware of this, but you could actually and get addicted to self-help and the thousands of self-help gurus out there. And most people don't even know it.

They find themselves watching videos after videos, seminars after seminars, books after books and gurus after gurus, and getting all fired up and motivated. They end up not taking ANY action afterwards.

Well, if you're reading this, you may not be addicted, or perhaps you're probably addicted. Everybody wants to grow and put a stop to certain habits such as procrastination and time management.

But wasting your time and watching tons of self-help, motivational and inspirational videos on YouTube and reading several productivity books day after day on how to become better will not get you anywhere if you don't act on them afterwards.

For most of you, as soon as you start watching a video on self-help, you start feeling down again and waiting for your next fix.

But what you don't know is, you're tricking your brain into thinking it's doing something, but you're not doing anything, you're merely watching videos all, that's it.

You're still relying on someone to help you get through the day. That doesn't work. That someone could be a guru, a particular mentor or speaker. It's an addiction; indeed, it doesn't look like one, but it is. 

Franky I've been down that road myself, use to read tons of self-help books and listened to several podcasts on procrastination. 

And I have to say, REAL GROWTH HAPPENS IN THE REAL WORLD, not on your computer, or smartphone. Not from your book or your head. It happens in the real world. 

The term, "knowledge is power," doesn't mean anything if you don't take action. And by taking action, I don't mean that you should walk into the library and pick up your next self-help book, no. 

Take real, physical action. You are responsible for your growth, not anyone else. The sad truth is, most of all these self-help gurus and speakers are just wasting your time. You need to realise that before it's too late. 

Here's what to do if you're addicted to self-help?
Here are a few things you can, and should do:

1- Refrain yourself from certain things
You will have to refrain from watching videos, reading books, or attending seminars that are related to self-help or self-improvement. Seriously, stop. 

The least you can do is pick one or two of these self-help gurus or speakers and stick with them. One is enough. Pick one and stop wasting your time with every other one. 

2- Stop trying to let others motivate you
Don't ever seek motivation from others. Yourself, you are already a reliable source of motivation. You are alive and breathing. You are in the present, that's motivation enough. 

You don't need the motivation to take action. If you decide to take action until you're motivated, then you'll never take any real action. 

3- Read Negative self-help 

It would help if you were told a few sad truths every now and then, because what most of these self-help gurus throw your way is positive self-help. They tell you that you're amazing, that you can be anybody you want to be in life, that you're meant for greatness, all that inspiring crap. 

Negative self-help, on the hand, tells you that humans are deeply flawed creatures, and none of us deserves anything. Negative self-help talks about how life is filled with difficulties. 

By reading more of negative self-help, you're going to learn that life isn't always rainbows and cupcakes. And sometimes there are volcanic eruptions and deadly lightning bolts as well. 


In my upcoming book, Become better: A counterbalance approach to self-development. I spoke in-depth about self-development to clarify for the lot who seem to be going about it the wrong away. 

To get an update on when I will be releasing my ebook online, you can follow me on Instagram and on Twitter to stay updated. You can also subscribe to this blog to get notified via email instantly.

And remember, you don't need anybody to motivate you. You motivate you. 

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