Your light sleep is disturbed by a loud ding near the bed, again for the fourth time this morning. Rubbing your eyes, that familiar feeling of anxiety washes over you, constricting your stomach into a tight knot. 

You can't help but wonder, “Is my boss asking for those reports that were due last night?'' or, “I wonder if Tristan proposed to Lucy this week.”

The hard truth - social media is ruining our health and deep down, we know it. The list of potential health hazards is surprisingly long but due to its convenience and addictive nature, the majority of us turn a blind eye. 

It's easy to turn our laptops, phones, or social media into the main focal point, but what about online infidelity? According to an article published by Psychology Today, many married couples, who partake in sexual conversations with the opposite sex through Facebook, instagram, and even Twitter, don't think of it as cheating. 

In fact, a lot of individuals who are caught try to justify their actions, by explaining that the flirtation only took place online, and nothing more. Even though it may only happen through social media, the intent is questionable and will surely leave the other half feeling distrustful and bitter. 

When it comes to old-fashioned communication, not many know how to disengage from their devices and offer the speaker their full attention. 

More so than ever before, couples who go out for dinner choose to sit in silence, pretending to be engaged, while their phones buzz in their back pocket. 

It's a big problem and due to the increase in technology use, traditional communication methods will more than likely disappear altogether. 

According to Sarah Perez, from TechCrunch, we spend more than five hours on our phone each day and 2.25 hours on social media. Our social and love life suffer immensely, especially when close to one-third of our day is spent 

How does it affect our physical health, though? According to an article published by Insider, cell phones can disrupt our sleep patterns, making it harder for our bodies to adapt to a regular sleep schedule. 

If that's not unsettling enough, constantly moving our head in a downward position to check messages, seems to cause premature wrinkle lines around the neck. Hunching over to check our phones isn't good, either. 

Due to the constant strain on the lower and upper back, our posture eventually changes, exposing our bodies to future back problems.

Overstimulation is a real thing and the majority unknowingly suffer from it. Fortunately, Psychology Today weighed 
in on the issue, explaining that those who have a sensitive nervous system, tend to suffer from overstimulation more frequently. 

From notifications popping up, to reading a surplus of information, our bodies can only handle so much 
stimulation at once. Symptoms of social media overstiumlation include feeling lethargic and uncreative, disconnection from friends and family, increased anxiety, and lack of sleep. 

What about our mental health?

Believe it or not, when we check our social networks first thing in the morning, the first article or post we look at is usually a big event, such as one of our friends posting an engagement or pregnancy announcement. 

You may think of it as great news and may even feel a surge of excitement because well, you're happy for them. There's a downside though – making the comparison with your life to theirs. 

Suddenly, you think of your accomplishments and how you chose not have children due to financial instability or how your big engagement fell through the year before. 

Anxiety starts to creep in and all of a sudden, you start to feel inferior, even a bit angry and envious. Humans tend to compare themselves to others, especially those closest to them. 

Many Psychologists have confirmed that comparing ourselves to others on a constant basis can be an ingredient for depression. 

In some cases, making comparisons may trigger the grass is always greener syndrome. 

Due to the amount of advertisements posted on a daily basis, adolescents are comparing themselves to those with airbrushed faces and toned abs, stressing the question, “What do I have to do to look like that?” We're so busy trying to be like everybody else, we often forget what its like to be happy with ourselves.

As much as it has its downside, social media has come a long way and offers a few perks. From chatting with your bestfriend who lives 12 hours away, to thousands coming together to support a great cause, it offers a fast method of 

Technology is such a useful thing - it's just a shame that the best things usually come with a price.